Anti-UN Agenda 21 bill passes Kentucky Senate
What could be called Kentucky’s “Black Helicopter Bill” just passed the Kentucky Senate, 32-4.
Senate Bill 80 now moves to the House, where its critics tell me they hope to stop it.
I blogged on this bill the other day, and you can find that posting here.
But suffice it to say that it takes aim at environmental sustainability — things like green roofs and planting trees. Specifically, it targets a 1992 United Nations Earth Summit document known as Agenda 21. But it’s totally voluntary.
The bill would prohibit a state agency or political subdivision of the state, such as a city or an agency like MSD, “from implementing any part of the United Nations Agenda 21 that is contrary to the United States or Kentucky Constitution, or being a member of or expending any public funds on a group or organization that will implement any part of the United Nations Agenda 21.”
One has to wonder whether it would block Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer from moving ahead with his Sustain Louisville plan.
The Tea Party sees Agenda 21 as a power grab, even a way to take away guns.
Kentucky Tea Party groups have been quite concerned, as this website indicates. From that website:
If you don’t think it will matter to you, it already does. Just from the little I know, Agenda 21 policies will ruin America as we know it. It will rob of us of ALL of our natural rights, including the right to bear arms and live where we choose, destroy private property rights in spite of the Constitution, finish off what little due process we have left and, through re-wilding, herd us into the cities where we’ll live on top of one another in a most unpleasant and unsustainable fashion.And it will do this without ever passing a law.
Art Williams, who attended the 1992 Earth Summit, testified against the bill in the Senate. He described it as a “solution looking for a problem.”